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BlackHat/DefCon 2008 – Tool Release(s)

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Hey guys..

Our BlackHat/Defcon talk this year featured a few tools that we promised to release.. The first tool, or set of tools is reDuh which can be found [here]. reDuh is made up of 2 parts, a local proxy and a server component (which is jsp, php or asp). If you run the local proxy on your machine while pointing it to the server component, you are able to make TCP connections clean through the web-server. This comes in surprisingly helpful (and if nothing else is really cute!). You can read more about reDuh (with pretty pictures) by checking out the [reduh page] or by checking out our [Vegas slides].

[Squeeza] also had some tweaks, and now incorporates some SQL Server OLE goodness. Grab [v0.22 here], and read more about it in the [slides].

Have fun, play responsibly and please post feedback or comments here or to research@sensepost.com