Our Blog

Deck of Cards CTF

Reading time: ~9 min
I created a small crypto style CTF for Black Hat last year (we’re training again this year, check our courses...

Black Hat Card Deck CTF

Reading time: ~8 min
In 2023 we, the training team within Orange Cyberdefense and specifically Ulrich Swart, Matthew Hughes and myself, attempted to do...

Orange Cyberdefense at Hacker Summer Camp

Reading time: ~3 min
It’s that time of year again where we head out to the desert, more specifically Las Vegas, for what is...


Reading time: ~8 min
Phew! This year’s hacker summer camp is packed with presentations from several hackers across the globe at Orange Cyberdefense. I...

Come do Wi-Fi!

Reading time: ~5 min
Wi-Fi is everywhere and having a better understanding of it can fair you well! Over the years we have made...

Exploring The Fundamentals

Reading time: ~9 min
We are excited to be presenting our Hands-on-Hacking Fundamentals (HHF) course at this year’s BlackHat USA 2021 conference. In our...

Our Enterprise Infrastructure Hacking Course

Reading time: ~4 min
Here at Orange Cyberdefense, clients often ask us to test and help secure their infrastructure. We do this a lot....

Making the Perfect Red Team Dropbox (Part 2)

Reading time: ~18 min
In part 1 of this series, we set up the NanoPi R1S as a USB attack tool, covering OS installation,...

Making the Perfect Red Team Dropbox (Part 1)

Reading time: ~11 min
As part of our preparations for our upcoming RingZer0 “Q Division” Training, I have been working on making a software...

Hack-From-Home Challenge Walk Through

Reading time: ~9 min
On the 27th of April 2020 SensePost created a CTF challenge (https://challenge.sensepost.com) for the public. The names of those who...

SensePost at BlackHat & Defcon 2017

Reading time: ~2 min
July is our favourite time of year, when thousands descend into Las Vegas for Blackhat/Defcon, or more commonly referred to...

Pentesting Enterprise Infrastructure – Journeyman Level

Reading time: ~2 min
Sophisticated attacks aim to hide from endpoint solutions Advanced hacking. Expert approaches We are inundated by advanced this, expert that,...

What to look for in a training provider

Reading time: ~6 min
In the last few years, the infosec training scene has exploded. Arguably, the largest training provider is Blackhat, and in...

SensePost at Blackhat & Defcon 2016

Reading time: ~2 min
The annual Hacker Summer Camp is nearly upon us, everyone at SensePost is getting ready. This is a brief overview...

PwnBank en route to Vegas

Reading time: ~3 min
Everyone has a mobile phone (ok some have two) and the wealth of information people put into them is staggering....

Where SensePost meets the real world

Reading time: ~5 min
SensePost Training at Blackhat USA What is SensePost infrastructure training about and what does it give you as a novice pentester?...

Into The Cloud

Reading time: ~12 min
SensePost Training in the Cloud Picture this. Every year, a group of Plakkers (our nickname for those who work at...

Maltego Webinar Series: Episode 01, Introduction

Reading time: Less than a minute
Hello Internet, We’re going to be hosting monthly Maltego webinar sessions, and our first one is this Friday (24th April)!...

Break the Web at BlackHat Singapore

Reading time: ~2 min
Web application security training in 2015? It’s a valid question we get asked sometimes. With the amount of books available...

SensePost Training

Reading time: ~3 min
Over those years, we’ve trained thousands of students in the art of offensive and defensive security through our Hacking by...

BootCamp Reloaded Infrastructure

Reading time: ~1 min
  Why Infrastructure Hacking Isn’t Dead If you work in IT Security you may have heard people utter the phrase,...

Combat Reloaded

Reading time: ~2 min
The British Special Air Service (SAS) have a motto that’s rather fitting for their line of work – Who Dares...

Hacking by Numbers – The mobile edition

Reading time: ~3 min
West Coast in the house, well actually more like an African visiting Seattle for Blackhat’s West Coast Trainings. We’ve had...

Honey, I’m home!! – Hacking Z-Wave & other Black Hat news

Reading time: ~7 min
You’ve probably never thought of this, but the home automation market in the US was worth approximately $3.2 billion in...

Black Hat Vegas 2013 – Course Summaries

Reading time: ~3 min
We have an updated breakdown of our BlackHat courses here With the ‘early registration’ discount period coming to an end...

BlackOps Hacking Training – Las Vegas

Reading time: ~4 min
BlackOps you say? At SensePost we have quite a range of courses in our Hacking by Numbers series. We feel...

Your first mobile assessment

Reading time: ~3 min
Monday morning, raring for a week of pwnage and you see you’ve just been handed a new assessment, awesome. The...

Wifi Hacking & WPA/2 PSK traffic decryption

Reading time: ~3 min
When doing wireless assessments, I end up generating a ton of different scripts for various things that I thought it...

Solution for the 44Con Challenge

Reading time: Less than a minute
Last week, we published our 44Con “SillySIP” Challenge for free entry to our BlackOps training course at the 44Con conference...

44Con Challenge

Reading time: ~2 min
In a similar fashion to the BlackHat challenge held earlier this year, we’re giving away a free ticket to our...

BlackOps – Post Exploitation Fun and Games

Reading time: ~2 min
Brilliant, the client has decided to implement their own CMS and you’ve found a variable that’s vulnerable to SQL injection....

Black Hat Training Classes Update

Reading time: ~2 min
Hey All, We’re about locked and loaded down here in ZA – ready to tackle the looooong journey to Vegas...

BlackHat Challenge

Reading time: ~2 min
This year marks a special anniversary for us at SensePost in that we’ve been training at BlackHat for over a...

Hacking By Numbers – March 2012

Reading time: ~1 min
Our next locally scheduled training sessions have been planned for March. If you’re interested in attending, the dates and locations...

Press Release – London Hacking & Security Courses

Reading time: ~2 min
School’s never out for the Pro! We’re proud to announce that we are now offering our highly successful penetration testing...

Black Hat Abu Dhabi && Cadet Online Edition

Reading time: ~1 min
Black Hat will host its second event in the Middle East in Abu Dhabi with a full contingent of selected...

SensePost @ 44Con – Join us!

Reading time: ~1 min
Until recently, there was a distinct lack of decent, high-quality technical security conferences held in the United Kingdom. Home to the...

SensePost Black Hat Course Summary & chosing the right courses

Reading time: ~1 min
As we draw nearer to Black Hat Vegas we get a lot of requests from people who need help choosing...

Hacking By Numbers: W^3 Edition

Reading time: Less than a minute
Well, we’re ramping up with the new Hacking By Numbers W^3 edition course we will be presenting at BlackHat Vegas...

Hacking by Numbers: BlackOps Edition

Reading time: Less than a minute
The brand new BlackOps HBN course makes its debut in Vegas this year. The course finds its place as a...

Hacking by Numbers: Bootcamp Edition

Reading time: ~2 min
Salut à tous, It’s that time of the year again and like every year, we’ll once again be running our...

Cadet Training

Reading time: ~1 min
You’ve seen the movies. You’ve seen the cooler than life characters hacking systems using obscure keyboards and operating systems that...

BlackHat Barcelona Training

Reading time: ~1 min
Hola amigos, We will be running our elite “Combat Training” at the BlackHat Briefings in Barcelona this March (talk lineup) and...

Training – lots of stuff(c)

Reading time: ~2 min
Hey. Charl here. Lots of stuff is happening on the training front right now (ed: right now!), and I wanted...

Black Hat Abu Dhabi – Full … NOT!

Reading time: Less than a minute
The bad news is that our course at Black Hat Abu Dhabi is completely full. The good news is …...

Sensepost Training in November

Reading time: ~1 min
Our next scheduled training sessions have been planned for November. If you’re interested in attending, the dates and locations are:...

Hacking By Numbers – South Africa – September ’10

Reading time: Less than a minute
From the team that won the world’s first Soccer Hack Cup, we bring you the latest and the greatest  in...

SensePost Corporate Threat(Risk) Modeler

Reading time: ~5 min
Since joining SensePost I’ve had a chance to get down and dirty with the threat modeling tool. The original principle...

SensePost’s Training @ Black Hat Vegas ’10 (win something)

Reading time: ~1 min
After hearing our talk was accepted at BlackHat, we’re happy to announce that our training will be back for it’s...

SensePost at BlackHat USA 2010

Reading time: ~1 min
A brief update from South Africa on some recent talks as well as the upcoming BH USA: our talk proposal...

HBN BootCamp Updated!

Reading time: Less than a minute
Hey Everyone, As promised last week, we have made changes to the content of our HBN BootCamp course. We have...

SensePost trains in Spain.

Reading time: Less than a minute
Hey everyone. We will once again be presenting our BootCamp training course at the BlackHat Europe Conference. It seems this...

Sensepost’s Developer and Bootcamp Security courses (November)

Reading time: ~2 min
Hi All SensePost will be running their next Developer and Bootcamp courses for 2009, scheduled for November. Please drop me...

Sensepost’s HBN Extended Edition course 11-15th May

Reading time: ~1 min
We have scheduled our next training course, Hacking By Numbers – Extended Edition (Bootcamp) in May 11-15th . The course...

HBN Developer Edition Training

Reading time: Less than a minute
Hi All We have scheduled our first Developer course for April in Pretoria, should you know of anyone in your...

Hack Like You Mean It – we’re taking PCI to Vegas

Reading time: ~1 min
We’ve been busying ourselves with the PCI DSS in one way or another for more than a year now here...

FW: HBN Extended Edition 9-13 March

Reading time: ~1 min
Yes, it is time to offer some technical input by way of our HBN Extended Edition training. There will be...

SensePost Training @ Black Hat DC

Reading time: Less than a minute
So… Black Hat DC is rushing at us like a speeding big… speeding thing. This is just a friendly a...

Hacking By Numbers Online – your thoughts?

Reading time: ~4 min
We often get asked by students of our Hacking By Numbers courses if the course environments or at least the...

HBN Bootcamp – Christmas Edition

Reading time: Less than a minute
As a Christmas special we  have scheduled an additional training course, Hacking By Numbers – Extended Edition  (Bootcamp)  in  Pretoria,...

HBN Extended Edition 6-10 October

Reading time: ~1 min
We have scheduled our first training course for our new year, Hacking By Numbers – “Extended” Edition – for October...

Another time sink-hole..

Reading time: Less than a minute
A while back some of us discovered and subsequently lost days to “The Python Challenge“. Well.. prepare to write off...

Feedback on our courses in Switzerland

Reading time: ~3 min
We just finished presenting an HBN Bootcamp and an HBN Combat Edition in Lausanne, Switzerland. A lot of people don’t...

SensePost Training at Black Hat Las Vegas

Reading time: ~1 min
The Black Hat Briefings is arguably the most significant technical security conference in the world. It takes every year in...